Saturday, June 8, 2019

Google Trips deprecated

Got a notification this morning that Google Trips will be retired in couple of months. If you are reading this later, the app would already be pulled down. I have tried Google Trips sometime back and I was actually thinking about using it in total for my next trip. Unfortunate it is being pulled down. 

I went through the links and Google states that most Trips app functions are now integrated in Google Maps. Personally, I have been using Google Maps to drop pins and save places to visit, Apple Calendar to schedule trips, Apple Notes to track my travel checklist and keep all related documents in iCloud or Google drive. 

Considering that amount of information floating around, it becomes very convenient to have all information stored in one place for easy access. I thought Google Trips was the one meant for this, in vein. 

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Google Trips deprecated

Got a notification this morning that Google Trips will be retired in couple of months. If you are reading this later, the app would already...